Gyoku's Miscellaneous Essays etc.


What is this place? This is a personal homepage of someone using the pseudonym of "Gyoku." Just like homepages in the old days that means that I can put whatever I feel like here. While I have some long term plans that I'm kicking around, at the moment it's just a place to store links that I find interesting and to post essays on various topics. Part of the genesis for this site was the realization that there are few forums where long form discussion is possible anymore. I guess this is basically a blog at the moment, but I opted for a personal webpage rather than a blog since blog sites can change their layouts without warning, or even disappear. (If Neocities dissappears, at least I have a backup of the site that I can get hosted somewhere else.)

Who am I? Just some guy who's been on the internet since the late 90's, and been using technology since the late 80's. Hopefully I have something worth saying. Pages are text focused, though I'll throw in images whenever they are relevant or cool.

The topics can be on anything, but have mainly revolved around these things:

The easiest way to navigate is to go to the list of essays or to start with the first essay and then navigate using the forwards and backwards arrows at the bottom. Background color gives a rough idea of the topic: green means pen and paper RPG, red means computer games, pink is anime and sky blue is a catch all for everything else.

Site Map:

And for that old web vibe, some animated gifs that largely have nothing to do with the site itself: